
Unit 3.1 Final Update

I have final images for my three photomontages. Primarily, I added final details, fixed the perspective lines and the scale of objects and entourage, and added shade. Take a look:

I added a path and buffered the house in the middle ground in the outdoor mound movie area image. Furthermore, I allowed some of the objects and entourage to escape the boudaries of the image to make it more interesting.

I added shade and shadows to the mounds, and replaced the scale figure on the left. Now there is a path with a person walking on it. Furthermore, I fixed the scale of the snowy trees in the foreground and middle ground.

Once again, this image had the most work done to it. I extended the entire image outward left and right, which included extending the bike outward, and adding more trees and shrubs in the greenway trailhead entrance. I also fixed the scale of the lights and shadows based on the perspective lines.

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